Monday, December 10, 2012

Fear in #Pure/ unadulterated form is a #Teacher

Well it is interesting to note the one thing that is very important. we all experience #Fear at some time or the other. Mankind has been questioning in many ways regarding Fear. Have we got to the bottom of it as yet. Many would promptly say No. So what is the #Truth?

Fear in its purest form is #Divine / #Holy. But most importantly it is a #Teacher in all respects. No one can deny this at all. But how can Fear be unadulterated in the first place itself.. The answer lies in our Mentality towards it. Can we make it still simpler to understand it better. Of course why not? The answer is really simple & needs to to be applied practically to ensure it's #Success. 

Mankind has been elevating himself to a position of a 'Judge'because his #Ego alters his sense of Perception. It mask's reality even from ourselves. What happens here We assume various things. Assuming  will put a full stop to understanding ourselves. We Judge ourselves & not assess us in reality terms! Isn't that the #Truth?

How can we put a Full stop  so that we do not adulterate  our #Emotions or #Fear. Well by putting a stop to our assumptions immediately, See how quickly our Emotions / Fear becomes unadulterated. Fear should not be controlled at all. We need to understand Fear. It is an #Energy. Energy should always be consumed or not repelled away from us. 

How do we consume Fear /#Energy? Well it is a  good question. We need to understand that whatever is happening in #Nature is best when we allow Nature to take it's own course of action. Every thing under the #Sun happens for a reason. Let's not tilt the delicate Balance of Nature by assuming things which far away from the Truth. 

Let's stop Fooling ourselves by assuming. Let things be backed by results/ reality & not by assumptions. We will be letting #Nature to use it's #Freewill. Now see how Fear in its purest form will be at work!! There is absolutely no doubt that Fear is an absolute Teacher. We can lift our selves  tall enough to #Succeed in our Mission in #Life. Let's enter a new #Era in our Life by understanding ourselves better!!!. Welcome the #New World Order which will pave way to understand the Deeper secrets of Nature

"A Vision for A #NewWorldOrder"

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